Brighouse High School Refurbishment
Brighouse School in West Yorkshire needed to replace the school roof and contacted Eddisons to submit a CIF funding application.The works would involve stripping the existing roofs to the deck and installing a new felt waterproofing system.
We carried out much of design work in advance to the funding award, including defect analysis and recommendations to rectify, programme estimation, risk management and tender process and successfully achieved £900k to fund the works. As a result of the CIF funding award, the academy were more than happy to appoint Eddisons’ Building & Project Consultancy Team to run the management of the project. We acted as Principal Designer under CDM Regulations 2015 and Contract Administrator. The Building and Project Consultancy Team ensured all health and safety documentation was received, reviewed and circulated to all parties within a matter of weeks.
With the project programme scheduled for at least a 6 month construction period, an early start on site was a clear aim to make full use of the best of the British weather. “Our proactive preparation allowed this early commencement to be achieved,” said Chris Nettleton, Building Surveyor part of Eddisons’ Building and Project Consultancy Team.
Given the nature of the works, the Head Teacher requested works commence shortly before the summer holiday period, which meant procuring a contractor and materials within 12 weeks of appointment, a difficult task to achieve, but we succeeded in doing so.
During the works, unforeseen licensed asbestos was found in a number of areas. This created a logistical issue on site, but we dealt with it professionally and swiftly, much to the delight of our client.
All work was undertaken in a live academic environment: the school accommodates 1600 pupils. The programming of the works, phasing and H&S considerations needed to be professionally and carefully managed.
The project was delivered below budget, producing enough savings to allow the Academy to make upgrades to other associated roof items outside the original scope of works.
The works have resulted in many benefits to Brighouse Academy including a reduction of heating usage and bills. .